Monger 3.1.0-SNAPSHOT
Monger is a Clojure MongoDB client for a more civilized age: friendly, flexible and with batteries included
clojure.core.cache implementation(s) on top of MongoDB. Related documentation guide:
Public variables and functions:
Provides key functionality for interaction with MongoDB: inserting, querying, updating and deleting documents, performing Aggregation Framework queries, creating and dropping indexes, creating collections and more.
Public variables and functions:
- aggregate
- any?
- count
- create
- create-index
- distinct
- drop
- drop-index
- drop-indexes
- empty?
- ensure-index
- exists?
- explain-aggregate
- find
- find-and-modify
- find-by-id
- find-map-by-id
- find-maps
- find-one
- find-one-as-map
- find-seq
- indexes-on
- insert
- insert-and-return
- insert-batch
- map-reduce
- purge-many
- remove
- remove-by-id
- rename
- save
- save-and-return
- system-collection-pattern
- system-collection?
- update
- update-by-id
- update-by-ids
- upsert
Provides convenience functions for performing most commonly used MongoDB commands. For a lower-level API that gives maximum flexibility, see `monger.core/command`. To use MongoDB 2.2 Aggregation Framework, see `monger.collection/aggregate`.
Public variables and functions:
Provides functions that convert between MongoDB Java driver classes (DBObject, DBList) and Clojure data structures (maps, collections). Most of the time, application developers won't need to use these functions directly because Monger Query DSL and many other functions convert documents to Clojure sequences and maps automatically. However, this namespace is part of the public API and guaranteed to be stable between minor releases.
Public variables and functions:
Thin idiomatic wrapper around MongoDB Java client. monger.core includes fundamental functions that perform database/replica set connection, set default write concern, default database, performing commands and so on. Most of the functionality is in other monger.* namespaces, in particular monger.collection, monger.query and monger.gridfs
Public variables and functions:
Helper functions for instantiating various types of credentials.
Helper-functions for dbCursor object: * to initialize new cursor, * for CRUD functionality of options of dbCursor
Public variables and functions:
Provides functions and macros for working with GridFS: storing files in GridFS, streaming files from GridFS, finding stored files.
An optional convenience namespaces for applications that heavily use dates and would prefer use JodaTime types transparently when storing and loading them from MongoDB and serializing to JSON and/or with Clojure reader.
Public variables and functions:
Kept for backwards compatibility. Please use from now on.
Public variables and functions:
Provides protocol extension for MongoDB-specific types, such as org.bson.types.ObjectId
Public variables and functions:
Provides vars that represent various MongoDB operators, for example, $gt or $in or $regex. They can be passed in queries as strings but using vars from this namespace makes the code a bit cleaner and closer to what you would see in a MongoDB shell query.
Public variables and functions:
- $add
- $addToSet
- $all
- $and
- $avg
- $bit
- $cmp
- $cond
- $dayOfMonth
- $dayOfWeek
- $dayOfYear
- $divide
- $each
- $elemMatch
- $exists
- $first
- $geoIntersects
- $geoWithin
- $group
- $gt
- $gte
- $hour
- $ifNull
- $in
- $inc
- $isoDate
- $language
- $last
- $limit
- $lt
- $lte
- $match
- $max
- $millisecond
- $min
- $minute
- $mod
- $month
- $mul
- $multiply
- $natural
- $ne
- $near
- $nin
- $nor
- $not
- $options
- $or
- $pop
- $project
- $pull
- $pullAll
- $push
- $pushAll
- $regex
- $rename
- $search
- $second
- $set
- $setOnInsert
- $size
- $skip
- $slice
- $sort
- $strcasecmp
- $substr
- $substract
- $sum
- $text
- $toLower
- $toUpper
- $type
- $unset
- $unwind
- $week
- $year
Provides an expressive Query DSL that is very close to that in the Mongo shell (within reason). This is the most flexible and recommended way to query with Monger. Queries can be composed, like in Korma.
Public variables and functions:
Provides functions that determine if a query (or other database operation) was successful or not.
Public variables and functions:
Provides various utility functions, primarily for working with document ids.
Public variables and functions: